From day one, his life was immersed in agriculture. Generations of his family had farmed south of Dallas, Texas, passing down a passion to work in dirt and drive big machines. Something drove him to follow his dad and grandfather. He was consumed by the need to learn, to master . . . to begin his journey in farming. As a young child, he rode in the cabs of tractors and combines, absorbing every move made by his father. He asked questions and listened when the men talked. They were doing important work — there was an urgency in their voices. It stirred something within him. Then one day, his dad asked if he wanted to drive. He was eight years old.
The boy’s name is Trey Kimbrell, and today at age 11 he is quite the hand on his family’s operation.
Todd approached flying as he did farming — he learned everything he could, studying in the evenings and soaking up new technology. In November 2016, he officially became a pilot. Today, Todd and his dad co-own a plane. Their farmland is not contiguous; driving to check crops can take an entire day, if not two. The plane not only makes it quicker to check crops, but allows Todd to check the entire field — not just the portion near the road. And he gets to fly...