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Congrats MARCH 2021 Ag Youths!

We honor our March 2021 outstanding students who excel in the classroom and lead their FFA chapters and 4-H clubs in Texas. These are monthly winners that were selected by our AgTexas' Panhandle, Central Texas and South Plains offices/regions.

Leefe Actkinson / Farwell FFA

Rudy Beck / Emhouse 4-H

Taylor Carter / Seminole FFA

Brady Caswell / Meadow FFA

Connor Cook / New Home FFA

Kiara Doshier / Levellend FFA

Kyanne Dunn / Nazareth FFA

Trey Ivey / Bangs FFA

Jesus Juarez / Morton FFA

Kagan Pillars / Nazareth FFA

Hallie Thomas / Parker County 4-H

Sarah Zientek / Lubbock-Cooper FFA

Congratulations to this batch of Ag Youths! Good luck in our 2021 Scholarship drawing.